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DTBat News
DTBat News
Participation in Wind and Nature Symposium, in The Netherlands

DTBird&DTBat was invited as a Guest Speaker for the Symposium organized by the Flevoland Province, a Dutch Administration body, which took place on November 14th. The Symposium’s theme was on Onshore Wind Farms and Wildlife Interactions. Agustín Riopérez gave a presentation on the DTBird and DTBat features with a special focus on the systems’ operation in a Dutch Wind Farm.


DTBird at Wind and Nature Symposium

Agustín Riopérez answering questions at the Symposium Wind and Nature, Flevoland, The Netherlands.

80% reduction of False Positives in DTBird Stop Control Module

DTBird has released a new software upgrade for the DTBirdV8 model that reduces the FP rate 80% without increasing bird collision risk. This means that the Wind turbines with DTBirdV8 installed will stop less frequently based on an object which is not a bird. Progressively, all DTBird operational units will be updated with the software upgrade.


Wind Krammer DTBird Automatic Stop

Video of DTBird's V8 model shutdown at Wind Park Krammer for White-tailed Eagles (Haliaeetus albicilla)

Asia, Europe and North America, over 50 new units installed in 3Q-4Q 2019

DTBird&DTBat smart and transparent wind power continue growing in line with Liquen’s mission “Develop, manufacture and install technologies to make Wind Energy compatible with Wildlife preservation through automatic & real-time protection”.

The new DTBird&DTBat units installed in Asia, Europe and North America include onshore, near-shore and offshore projects.


DTBird worldwide presence 2020

Over 200 units installed in 14 countries - On&Offshore

DTBird & DTBat participation at CWW 2019

This past August, DTBird & DTBat participated in the Conference on Wind energy and Wildlife impacts 2019 (CWW 2019) which took place on August 27th - August 29th in Stirling, Scotland. On the second day of the CWW, Agustín Riopérez participated in the Wind-wildlife technology workshop: considerations for integration at operational wind farms and lessons learned from wind farm operators, turbine OEMs, and technology developers. A strong focus was placed on data and operational transparency from a technological development perspective. Tools were proposed to encourage and promote further cooperation between all parties involved as well as to enhance the understanding of bird collision events. On the last day, DTBird gave a talk titled: Upgrades in offshore bird monitoring: from DTBirdV4 at Fino 1 to DTBirdV8N2 at Kincardine wind farm.


Picture of the presentation Upgrades in Offshore bird monitoring 2015-2019

Upgrades in Offshore bird monitoring 2015-2019 Presentation.

Over 35 DTBird & DTBat units installed Q1 2019

In the first quarter of the year, over 35 DTBird & DTBat units have been installed in France, Germany, Greece, The Netherlands and Spain. Over 50 additional units are expected to be installed in the Q2 - Q3 of 2019 in North America, Asia and Europe. 


We look forward to working together in the near future!



Camera and Speaker of DTBirdV8D10 Unit installed on a concrete tower

Camera and Speaker of a DTBirdV8D10 unit installed on a concrete tower.


DTBird & DTBat at KNE Conference

The Kompetenzzentrum Naturschutz und Energiewende (KNE) will host a two-day Conference at the KulturBanhoff in Kassel, Germany on May 15th - 16th. The theme for the conference is Bird protection at Wind Turbines: Detection systems as an opportunity for a nature-friendly wind energy development? During the Conference we will answer questions from the audience. DTBird & DTBat will be attending as an Exhibitor, to present its systems to German wind industry and wildlife professionals. DTBird systems are currently operating at three Wind Farms in Germany. Some of the upgrades exhibited include:


Image Resolution analyzed in real-time: +67%
Maximum Detection Distance: +26%
Video Recording Resolution (stored in the Online DAP): +200%


Visit DTBird & DTBat at the KNE Conference! 


KNE Conference May 15-16th Kassel Germany

DTBird & DTBat at KNE Conference 2019


DTBird presented latest upgrades at WindEurope Conference & Exhibition

Last week the DTBird & DTBat Team attended WindEurope 2019, Europe's largest wind energy event at the Bilbao Exhibition Center in Spain. The Conference & Exhibition lasted from April 2nd till April 4th. During the event, we presented our DTBird & DTBat systems to Wind Farm Developers, Operators and Manufacturers, Environmental Consultants, Project Managers and University students. 

More specifically, we spoke about the latest DTBird upgradesa 67% increase in real-time quality image analyzed, a 26% increase in maximum detection distance, and a 200% increase in video quality (stored in the online data analysis platform). We also explained the efficiency testing and the public evaluations that the DTBird system has undergone. Over 50 additional units are expected to be installed in the Q2-3 of 2019 in North America, Asia and Europe. Finally, we introduced our Mascots who made their grand Debut!
                   DTBird & DTBat Stand WindEurope Bilbao 2019
DTBird & DTBat Mascots

      DTBird & DTBat Stand at WindEurope Conference & Exhibition 2019

DTBird participated in the closing conference of the MultiBird Project after 3 years operating in the offshore platform FINO 1
DTBird’s CEO Agustín Riopérez was invited to participate in the closing conference of the MultiBird Project, initiated by the German Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency. This event took place on February 5th, 2019 in the office of state representative Schleswig-Holstein in Berlin. 
The conference title was related to the operational results and findings of the three systems contracted for 3 years of bird monitoring at the offshore Platform Fino 1, located in the North Sea approximately 40 km from the German coast: “Do multi-sensor systems help to answer important knowledge gaps?”.
Agustin summarized the DTBirdV4 unit’s performance and bird monitoring data during the 3-year operation in FINO 1, focusing on the advantages and limitations of the system. He also presented DTBird system upgrades and new models since DTBird installation at FINO 1 in 2015.

Agustín Riopérez explaining the DTBird system installation on a floating WTG

DTBird&DTBat CEO Agustín Riopérez presenting DTBird data at FINO 1

Participation in Winwind Workshop

Agustin Rioperez, the CEO of DTBird&DTBat, was among the guest speakers at the recent Winwind Workshop on The new Balearic law on Climate Change and the opportunities to integrate wind energy in protected areas held on November 8th on the Island of Menorca (Spain).

Agustin's presentation on the features of the different DTBird&DTBat models was followed by a discussion about the applicability of the technology in the wind farms proposed for the Balearic Islands.

