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DTBat News
DTBat News
Meet DTBird & DTBat Team

You can meet DTBird® Team and get your first hand information in:


May 23-26, 2016 New Orleans, Louisiana. Booth 2047.



September 27-30, 2016. Hamburg, Germany. Hall A1 Booth 141


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The new way to keep you updated about DTBird® System: upgrades, new features, new projects, participation in exhibitions and conferences, editorials, and more. Newsletter Subscription

DTBird at Vind 2015. 4th-5th November. Stockholm (Sweden). Booth 34

Get your first hand information on new and improved DTBird features. New upgraded Stop Control Proposal for Eagles.

Vind 2015

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 DTBird & DTBat Stand at Vind 2015.

DTBird & DTBat multiply by 16 Data Analysis Platform Servers Capabilites

DTBird multiply by 16 Data Analysis Platform Servers Capabilites to continue providing access to all historical bird flights of all clients. This service started in June 2012, and currently stores more than 100.000 bird flights.

DTBird Servers Tier 4 Class

DTBird Servers.

DTBird & DTBat Installation Team has been certified in GWO BST OFFSHORE

BST (Basic Safety Training) Offshore Homologue by GWO (Global Wind Organisation), Offshore (5 modules - 7 days) which includes:

      GWO BST First Aid.

      GWO BST Manual Handling.

      GWO BST Fire Awareness.

      GWO BST Working at Heights.

      GWO BST Sea Survival.

DTBird Installation Team

Members of the DTBird Installation Team.

Poland joins the countries with DTBird Technology

DTBird has started protecting birds and monitoring bats in Martifer/Ikea Wind Farm in Podkarpackie. Currently, DTBird is monitoring/protecting birds/bats in France, Greece, Italy, Norway, Poland and Spain. Available worldwide. November 2013.


DTBird & DTBat logo bird and bat protection

