This past August, DTBird & DTBat participated in the Conference on Wind energy and Wildlife impacts 2019 (CWW 2019) which took place on August 27th - August 29th in Stirling, Scotland. On the second day of the CWW, Agustín Riopérez participated in the Wind-wildlife technology workshop: considerations for integration at operational wind farms and lessons learned from wind farm operators, turbine OEMs, and technology developers. A strong focus was placed on data and operational transparency from a technological development perspective. Tools were proposed to encourage and promote further cooperation between all parties involved as well as to enhance the understanding of bird collision events. On the last day, DTBird gave a talk titled: Upgrades in offshore bird monitoring: from DTBirdV4 at Fino 1 to DTBirdV8N2 at Kincardine wind farm.


Picture of the presentation Upgrades in Offshore bird monitoring 2015-2019

Upgrades in Offshore bird monitoring 2015-2019 Presentation.